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Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

He Takes New Crucial Measures to Hasten Epochal Regional Development and Comprehensive Rejuvenation

Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at various regional-industry factories under construction on August 24 and 25.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jae Ryong, Pak Thae Song, O Su Yong, Ju Chang Il, Kim Chol Sam and Kim Hwa Song, leading officials of the Central Committee of the WPK.

He was greeted by commanding officers of the military units involved in the construction of industrial factories in the relevant regions.

Watching the plans for layouts of industrial factories and greenery in the regions, he was briefed on the progress made in construction projects by the commanding officers. Then he inspected the construction sties.

It seems as if I pressed the detonator at a groundbreaking ceremony heralding the arrival of a new era of regional development a few days ago, but factories have already taken shape, he said, expressing great satisfaction over the fact that the overall construction project has been carried out at over 80 percent.

Examining carefully whether the construction of factories was done as specified in the production line designs to ensure smooth operation of equipment and maximum labor productivity, their interior walls were insulated to retain heat and exterior tiling was done impeccably, he estimated the quality level of construction.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

Saying that builders should never neglect the improvement of quality in construction, a policy requirement, as they may done so, carried away by the single desire to finish the construction of factories earlier, he called for building the regional-industry factories, which the Party promised to the people and the People's Army pledged to present to them as gift, to be impeccable even in the distant future. To this end, it is necessary to make higher demands on the field commanding officers and construction control organs and further enhance their roles, he added.

Watching the soldier-builders' skilled work for a while, he instructed the accompanying officials to provide them with better working and living conditions and further intensify the frontline-style agit-prop activities to give full play to their mental power.

He underlined the need for the provincial, city and county Party organizations and people's committees at different levels to conduct the preparatory work, such as establishment of raw material supply bases and training of skilled workers, in a responsible manner so as to keep the factories in full-capacity operation after the completion of their buildings so that the regional people would benefit from them.

Setting forth a new policy of accelerating the implementation of the historic cause of regional rejuvenation by pushing ahead the building of public health facilities, sci-tech learning spaces and grain management stations, simultaneously with the on-going construction of regional-industry factories, in order to hasten the accomplishment of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy for bringing about a remarkable improvement in the regional economy and people's living standard, he clarified the decision of the Party Central Committee to make crucial measures to carry it out.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

Pointing out that the Party made a crucial decision in such a harsh period as now as it is indispensable to bringing earlier a new era of epochal development and comprehensive development to all regions at the same time, he said that it would be most reasonable to complete the sci-tech learning spaces and finish the framework construction of hospitals and grain management stations, occasioned by the deployment of People's Army units in the relevant regions for construction of their industrial factories, and take state-sponsored measures to inaugurate the hospitals and grain management stations later in yearly order.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

It is arising as the most essential task to be fulfilled without fail to successfully build large-scale modern hospitals in cities and counties of the regions, where the modernization level of public health faculties are relatively lower than those of the capital city, so as to promote the health of the regional people, he said, giving detailed instructions that in order to carry out the huge task, it is necessary to take measures to give precedence to the construction of their buildings, in parallel with the regional-industry factories' on schedule, and furnish them with necessary equipment, according to future state plans.

Underlining the need to build sci-tech learning centers, he said our purpose of urbanizing the rural villages is to transform as early as possible the regional people on a working-class pattern and make them progressive and well-versed in science and technology, not merely to model the countryside on urban architectural beauty. As a practical way, it is necessary to set up "sci-tech learning centers" in every city and county and disseminate knowledge needed in various fields, he said, adding it is an important affair conforming to the Party policy to build a country developing with science and technology.

Giving an instruction to commonly call various facilities for processing and storing grain "grain management stations", he said that they should be completely rebuilt under the direct control of the state, not merely in a passive attitude of repairing the existing facilities, in order to properly store and manage grain harvested with much effort without waste, and provide the people with well-processed grain, in particular.

As the construction of regional-industry factories is proceeding on a full scale across the country and the system of construction force, supply of materials and command have been established in relatively good order, it is the best choice in terms of time and profit to push ahead with the simultaneous construction of modern hospitals, sci-tech learning centers and grain management stations in every city and county on that occasion, he affirmed repeatedly, adding that when the regional development policy becomes a comprehensive one of covering public health, science and education, not confined to the construction of only light industry factories, it can make sincere and tangible contributions to the improvement of the material and cultural life of the regional people and drastically raise the efficiency of regional development.

There would be no remaining manpower as it would be too much to build all the new dwelling houses with the rural construction forces in cities and counties only, but if the vital undertakings are neglected, the efforts for regional development will end in vain, he stressed, adding our Party made a bold decision, reposing its trust in our army, the faithful defender, supporter and implementer of the Party policies, the pioneer of high civilization in the new era and the creator of people's happiness. He set forth detailed orientation for the army units mobilized for the construction of regional-industry factories to properly organize and allocate manpower and meticulously draw up the construction timetable to successfully carry out their new tasks.

He said that leading officials of relevant sectors would deeply study detailed plans and ways for implementing the bigger ten-year goal for regional development before discussing, examining, deciding and adopting them at a plenary meeting to be held in December, and successfully carry out them in yearly order.

The tasks are huge and the conditions are difficult, but if we work harder, we can surely realize our ideal, and it is the spirit peculiar to the Korean revolutionaries to assume heavy duties by themselves in hard times, he said, adding the regions and rural villages will get rid of their centuries-old backwardness literally and undergo complete transformation and the appearance of our state be changed beyond recognition 10 years later when the grandiose goals will be attained. Appealing for finding the worth of doing revolution and tiding over the current ordeals, picturing that day, he expressed his conviction that the grand projects, which will serve as a great stride in hastening the regional rejuvenation and transformation, will come to fruition without fail.

His field guidance at the construction sites of regional-industry factories will be etched in history as an important occasion, in which an important guideline and militant banner for enriching the Party's Regional Development 20×10 Policy and developing it onto a new high stage was brought about, and as another political event of epochal significance in the leadership activities of the WPK remaining boundlessly faithful to the original duty it assumed at the time of its foundation to reflect the people's desire and demands in its policies and fulfill them. -0- (Juche113.8.26.

AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief of Start News Agency