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Quest for Truth is sine qua non for a United & Peaceful  World 

 Quest for Truth is sine qua non for a United & Peaceful  World 

 Dr. A. K. Merchant*

Asato ma sadgamaya (From unreality, lead me towards the Reality) another translation is “From ignorance lead to truth.” Living in an age when we constantly bombarded by all kinds of information and enticing distractions of every sort one is hard pressed to discover “truth” or understand “reality”. As per my understanding “truth” is not fully accessible, and those of us who are interested in looking for its signs will hover and circle around its essence, hopefully coming closer, ever closer. One must be courageous and step outside the norm, because the ongoing disagreement between sincere followers of religion (dharma) and thoughtful disciples of science presents a challenge rightly assigned, perhaps, to the impartial observer and independent thinker. 

In the face of so much controversy, the quest for truth and knowledge is a justifiable cause. Search implies investigation and, as the two schools of thought—religion and science—are locked in their ancient and opposing traditions, the answers may not be found within their current hypotheses. And certainly today, unity in any regard is an exemplary goal. If truth is one, then adjustments are necessary in the doctrines of both disciplines. This does not mean we must retreat from the concerted effort and set out on our own. Coordination is the hallmark of life; none of us accomplishes alone, and knowledge is built on what has been learnt from the  past. Therefore, it makes sense to examine again the established premise and give it a friendly twist—decant it and therewith weigh the evidence in a new light. The problem that arises today is that most of us are put on the defensive: we must choose sides and pledge allegiance to one but not to the other of the two systems that define reality. But existence, single and complete, governed by Energy, Unknowable but true, necessitates a genuine and concerted response.

The Writings of the Baha’I Faith affirm that the quest for truth is an individual undertaking not to be constrained by the perceptions of the past or the trends of the day. The inner core of our humanity attributes to each of us the capacity to understand.  Only then will the oneness and wholeness of creation become apparent and enhance our capability to ascribe a spiritual identity to all phenomena, to the nature of existence itself, and particularly to the power and place of the human spirit as it relates to every living form. Humanity’s material / spiritual nature demands that it that each one of us bring into play a harmonious postulate to validate our search, for, if one wishes to contribute to the betterment of the society and advancement of civilization, as we know it. For this we must utilize the resources of both reason and faith. In other words, our material and spiritual wings must be equally strong. The time is right for the reappraisal of reality.Today, the presentation of life reveals itself to our intellectual capacities, we must encourage the children to examine anew the true nature of their humanity and the real identity of their surroundings. Then the realization will dawn that science without spirituality leads to materialism without conscience and, as well, consequence without purpose; and that spirituality without science results in blind belief and useless superstition. Every person is responsible for their own spiritual journey. This means questioning and examining beliefs independently. To truly investigate the truth, one must set aside prejudices, superstitions, and blind imitations. The Bahá’i Faith affirms that truth is one and indivisible, as stated in the Holy Scriptures of all religions. When investigated independently, it leads to unity among people, as all will arrive at the same fundamental truths. The Golden Rule is an oft-quoted example. 

Humans are rational beings endowed with powers of discernment and understanding. This underscores the idea that scientific and religious truth are harmonious and should be investigated together.

By fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to seek knowledge and truth independently, the Bahá’i Faith aims to promote a more enlightened and unified world. Personal exploration and critical thinking, allows individuals to form their own understanding of spiritual and material realities. It also helps them to appreciate the fact that divine guidance provided to human beings through the Spiritual Luminaries, Founders of the great religions, was never intended to be absolute and permanent but relative and changing according to the requirements and exigencies of an evolving social milieu. In this context we may reflect upon the Upanishadic statement Ekam Sat Viprah Bahuda Vedanti it literally means “Truth is One, the Wise perceive it differently” or "One God is Worshipped in Different Names". It also distinguishes between the riṣis who gave the Vedas as revealed truth, and ordinary people who only have faith and worship the truth indirectly. 

The Bahá’i Faith has abolished the need for clergy and sets every individual free  from imitation and blind adherence to unexamined, dogmatic beliefs. Bahá’is believe that no soul should follow ancestral or traditional beliefs without first questioning and examining their own inner landscape. Each individual has the right and the duty to investigate and distinguish between truth and error using their own God-given faculties. And when they discover that  fundamental reality is one, all religions and nations of the world will become one. When someone sincerely endeavours to seek the truth that individual sets himself free–from imitation, from falsehood, from fossilized traditions that do harm to humanity. Most importantly, that individual sets himself free from the prison of prejudice, which all of us are burdened with due to past traditions, customs and confused upbringing. The primary goal of the independent, unfettered investigation of truth focuses on eradicating prejudice and freeing our hearts and minds from its corrosive impact.

Bahá’u’lláh continually urges every human being to free himself from the superstitions and traditions of the past and become an investigator of reality, for it will then be seen that God has revealed his light progressively in order to illumine humankind upon a trajectory of ever-advancing civilization. Every day thousands of people encounter the Bahá’i Faith in different ways and those who pause to investigate the claims of its Founder, Bahá’u’lláh, with sincerity and humility would have no reason to reject his message. Some recognize the beauty and mysticism of the Bahá’i writings as intoxicating and compelling. The power of the Bahá’i prayers attracts an abundance of souls. Many people are deeply influenced by the exemplary lives led by the Central Figures of the Bahá’i Faith–The Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Others feel the sense of fellowship, love and unified purpose that exists among the Bahá’is, and want to participate in that unique worldwide community. (1102 words)


*The author is a social worker, independent researcher & a member of the Bahá’i Community of India

AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief of Start News Agency