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On the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the birth of  Chairman Kim Jong Il Peerless Statesman Held in Boundless Reverence

On the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the birth of 

Chairman Kim Jong Il

Peerless Statesman Held in Boundless Reverence


Kim Jong Il, eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, was an outstanding, seasoned statesman ever seen in history, who victoriously led socialist construction through his unusual ideological and theoretical activities and energetic guidance and performed immortal exploits in accomplishing the cause of humankind for independence. 

From 2001 to the last days of his life, he paid visits to the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on several occasions, furthering the traditional relations of friendship with these countries.  

His 18 visits to the countries, covering 98 000km, served as a convincing demonstration of the strong ties of lasting friendship and an excellent model of friendly relations between countries aspiring after solidarity and cooperation under the banner of independence, and propelled the steady development of the cause of mankind for independence.  

Meeting party and state leaders, political and social figures and delegations from different countries around the world on their visits to his country, Kim Jong Il suggested clear-cut ways to develop friendly relations among countries, strengthen the non-aligned movement, improve solidarity among the anti-imperialist independent forces, and achieve global peace and security.  

The progressive peoples around the world presented him with gifts, orders, medals and honorary titles as a token of their infinite reverence and admiration for him, praising him as a peerless statesman.  




Kim Jong Il on a visit to a foreign country 



Kim Jong Il talks with Deng Xiaoping, director of the Central Advisory Commission of the Communist Party of China, in June 1983. 



Kim Jong Il meets Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, in March 1986. 




Kim Jong Il meets Jiang Zemin, President of the People’s Republic of China, in May 2000. 




Kim Jong Il, together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation, enjoys a panoramic view of Pyongyang from the Liberation Tower in July 2000.   




Kim Jong Il attends the ceremony of signing the DPRK-Russia Moscow Declaration in August 2001. 




Kim Jong Il meets Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of the Republic of Indonesia, in March 2002. 



Kim Jong Il talks with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation, in August 2002.   




Kim Jong Il signs the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration in September 2002. 




Kim Jong Il talks with Bill Clinton, former US president, in August 2009. 




Kim Jong Il meets Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, in May 2011. 




Kim Jong Il meets Xi Jinping, Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China, in May 2011. 




Kim Jong Il meets Dmitri Anatoliyevich Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation, in August 2011. 




Kim Jong Il meets ChoummalySaygnasone, President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, in September 2011. 




Kim Jong Il meets Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State of the United States of America, in October 2000. 




Kim Jong Il meets a high-level delegation from the European Union in May 2001. 




Kim Jong Il talks with Dmitry Yazov, former Soviet marshal, in August 2001.  




Kim Jong Il meets heads and members of delegations from different countries on their visit to join the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK in September 1988.  




Kim Jong Il meets a delegation of youth and students from Cuba in July 1989. 




Kim Jong Il receives the USSR 40th Anniversary of the Victorious Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Commemorative Medal in May 1985. 




Kim Jong Il receives the Order of Solidarity of the Republic of Cuba in February 1992. 




Kim Jong Il receives an order from KaysonePhomvihane, President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, in April 1992. 




Kim Jong Il receives an order from ObiangNguemaMbasogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, in April 1992. 




Kim Jong Il receives the Russian Piskaryov Cemetery Commemorative Medallion in August 2001. 




Kim Jong Il receives an order from Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, in July 2004. 




Kim Jong Il receives the title of Honorary Doctor of Law of the Russian Far Eastern State University in October 2005.




Kim Jong Il sees a gift from Jiang Zemin, President of the People’s Republic of China, in May 2000. 




Kim Jong Il sees a gift from Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of the Republic of Indonesia, in March 2002. 




Kim Jong Il sees a gift from Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, in July 2004. 




Kim Jong Il sees a gift from NongDucManh, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in October 2007. 




Kim Jong Il sees a gift from Xi Jinping, Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China, in June 2008. 




2017 meeting in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu held in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK 




International forum on the meeting for greeting the sun of the 21st century, held at the People’s Palace of Culture, Pyongyang, in February 2002 




Meeting of delegations and delegates from international, national and regional organizations for friendship and solidarity with the DPRK around the world, held in front of the native home of Chairman Kim Jong Il at the Paektusan Secret Camp in February 2007 




Participants in the Fifth International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu on the summit of Mt Paektu in August 2017 




Foreigners look round book and photo exhibitions. 



Distinguished figures from different countries deliver diplomas of honorary titles, decorations, floral baskets and congratulatory banners for Kim Jong Il.



Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, where President Kim Il Sung and ChairmanKim Jong Il are preserved in their lifetime appearance 




In a room in the palace there are on display over 400 orders, medals and diplomas of honorary titles which many countries and international organizations conferred on Kim Jong Il. 




Some of the orders, medals and diplomas of honorary titles which Asian countries conferred on Kim Jong Il




Some of the orders, medals and diplomas of honorary titles which European countries conferred on Kim Jong Il




Some of the orders, medals and diplomas of honorary titles which African countries conferred on Kim Jong Il




Some of the orders, medals and diplomas of honorary titles which American countries conferred on Kim Jong Il



In the International Friendship Exhibition House are kept over 41 000 gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by figures of different social strata in 171 countries and international organizations. 




Some of the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by Asian countries in admiration of him 




Some of the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by European countries in admiration of him 




Some of the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by African countries in admiration of him 




Some of the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by American countries in admiration of him 




Some of the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by international organizations in admiration of him 



Some of the animals and plants presented to Kim Jong Il by different countries 


AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief of Start News Agency