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On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea

October 4, Juche 104 (2015)

The members of the Workers’ Party of Korea and our other people are celebrating in a meaningful fashion the 70th anniversary of the founding of the WPK as their most auspicious, revolutionary holiday.

The WPK founded by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung is the glorious party of                Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, which, under their outstanding and seasoned leadership, has developed into an invincible revolutionary party and led the revolution and construction along a road filled with victory.

The cause of the WPK is a sacred historic cause for fully realizing the independence of the masses of the people, the cause of the Juche revolution.

The 70-year history of the WPK is a history full of proud victories, which has demonstrated the justice and invincibility of the cause of the party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Amid the historic struggle to accomplish the cause of the Juche revolution in the long period since its founding, it has developed into a revolutionary party of Juche, into the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, and has wonderfully performed its role as the organization that guides our people to all victories.

Success in the revolution and construction depends on how a party, the General Staff of the revolution, is built and on how its leadership role is enhanced.

Thanks to the ideas of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on building a party of a Juche type and to their wise leadership, the WPK has been built and developed into a party of the leader, a revolutionary party of the Juche type, in which the unitary character and inheritance of the leader’s ideology and leadership are securely guaranteed.

A revolutionary party is, in its essence, the party of its leader that implements his ideology and cause, and the main thing in its building is to ensure the unitary character and inheritance of his ideology and leadership.

It is important in ensuring the unitary character of his ideology and leadership to model the entire party on the leader’s revolutionary ideology, achieve its unity and cohesion centred on the leader and ensure that the entire party moves as one under the leader’s unified leadership.

Guided solely by the revolutionary ideology of the                                                                     great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the WPK has carried out its building and activities as required only by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, thus developing itself into a powerful body that is ideologically pure and organizationally integrated, with the leader as its one and only centre.

Achieving unity centred on the leader presented itself as an increasingly grave task for the WPK from the first day of its founding, owing to the complicated and arduous character of the Korean revolution. It achieved its unity by overcoming factionalism and various opportunistic ideological trends, which had done tremendous harm to the unity of the revolutionary ranks historically, and intensified the struggle to achieve the single-hearted unity of the revolutionary ranks centred on the leader.

It established a system whereby the problems arising in its building and activities were resolved according to the unitary conclusion by the leader and a revolutionary climate in which its organizations and members carried out without the slightest deflection the lines and policies put forward by the leader.

That the great Comrade Kim Jong Il advanced the line of modelling the entire WPK on Kimilsungism and ensured that the work of establishing its monolithic ideological system was intensified, constituted an occasion for a radical turn in ensuring the unitary character of the leader’s ideology and leadership. The development of the WPK into the party of the leader, into the party of Comrade Kim Il Sung, both in name and in reality is a great exploit performed by Comrade Kim Jong Il.

The WPK solved the problem of inheriting the leader’s ideology and leadership in a correct way, so that the unitary character of the leader’s ideology and leadership could be inherited for generation after generation.

Inheriting the leader’s ideology and leadership is a serious issue that has a bearing on the destiny of a party and revolution; it is also a fundamental issue in building a revolutionary party.

History has taught the bitter lesson that a party, even though it has advanced the revolution successfully under the correct leadership of its leader, degenerates and in the end leads the revolution to frustration if it fails to inherit his ideology and leadership correctly.

Looking to the distant future with great foresight, Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il laid organizational and ideological foundations and established the leadership system of the leader who would inherit the cause of the revolution; thus they ensured that the leader’s ideology and leadership were inherited brilliantly down through the generations.

That it has been led by outstanding leaders generation after generation and ensured the unitary character and inheritance of their ideology and leadership has been the key factor in the militant might and invincibility of the WPK.

As it definitely inherited the unitary character of the leaders’ ideology and leadership for generation after generation, the WPK, even in the whirlwind of the ideological degeneration and frustration of the ruling parties in socialist countries, was able invariably to maintain its revolutionary features as the party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and provide effective leadership over the revolution and construction, thus effecting gigantic social changes.

The WPK has been built into an invincible revolutionary party that serves the people and has formed an integral whole with them.

The leader, the party and the masses form a community in which they share their destiny in implementing the cause of the independence of the masses. Just as the masses cannot forge their destiny independently if they are separated from the leadership of the party and the leader, so the party cannot become a powerful political organization or satisfactorily perform its role as a political guide if it is separated from the masses.

Comrade Kim Il Sung ensured that the WPK was built into a mass-based party with workers, farmers and intellectuals as its component elements, that it oriented all its activities to defending and realizing the demands and interests of the masses, and that it thus struck root deep among them and formed an integral whole with them.

Comrade Kim Jong Il ensured that the WPK developed into a genuine motherly party that takes care of the destiny of the masses on its responsibility, administered comprehensive benevolent and all-embracing politics based on affection for and trust in them, and thus formed inseparable ties of kinship with them.

The WPK has striven to take responsibility for the people’s destiny and look after them with motherly affection, and to provide our people, who have supported it with single-hearted loyalty, with a rich and happy life. It has also led officials to eliminate such practices as the abuse of authority and bureaucratism and to work as true servants for the people.

As the WPK is fully discharging its responsibility and duty as a motherly party that serves the people, our people, regarding its embrace as a genuine motherly embrace, have entrusted their destiny and future entirely to it, and are displaying their loyalty to prove themselves worthy of its trust and affection.

The integral whole of the WPK and the masses based on the former’s trust in and affection for the latter and the latter’s absolute support for and trust in the former–herein lies the source of the solidity and might of our revolutionary ranks and the basic guarantee for all our victories. As it has been supported by the might of this integral whole, the WPK has been able to advance with confidence in sure victory against the trials and difficulties facing the revolution and to perform its sacred mission in a splendid fashion.

It has developed into a revolutionary party leading the revolution and construction to victory in a seasoned manner by a Juche-based leadership method. The leadership method is a basic factor determining the leadership ability and fighting efficiency of a party.

Resolving all the problems arising in the revolution and construction by relying on the masses of the people, the motive force of the revolution, and on their efforts is the WPK’s traditional leadership method, created and applied by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

The might of the masses is immediately that of ideology and collectivism. The WPK has consistently adhered to the principle of formulating its lines and policies by understanding the demands and opinions of the masses and carrying them out by stimulating their thinking. It has applied the Juche-oriented theory that ideas are a key aspect of the revolution and construction and ideological consciousness decides everything. By doing so, it has given definite precedence over all other types of work to ideological work aimed at giving free rein to the people’s spiritual strength and creativity, and ensured that the might of their collectivism and mass heroism are displayed to the full by launching mass movements of various forms on a wide scale at every stage of the developing revolution.

In the course of bringing about a continuous leap forward in the revolution and construction by relying on the masses and enlisting their spiritual strength, the WPK has developed into a seasoned revolutionary party possessed of unexcelled organizing ability and art of leadership.

The WPK’s Songun-based revolutionary leadership is a unique revolutionary leadership method of our own style that gives precedence to military affairs and that makes the Korean People’s Army the core and main force of the Songun revolution.

On the basis of the fundamental principles of the Songun revolution that the army means the party, the state and the people, the WPK has developed the KPA into a match-for-a-hundred revolutionary armed force that is unfailingly loyal to it and the leader and is strong in ideology and faith. In the course of the struggle to model the entire KPA on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the WPK’s undivided leadership over the army has been established and the KPA has developed into a powerful revolutionary Paektusan army that takes the lead in implementing the WPK’s lines and policies, even to the death. This has consolidated the WPK’s political and military foundations and made them rock-solid.

Under its Songun-based leadership our revolutionary ranks have been developed into an elite force modelled after the KPA, the great army-people unity has been strengthened, and all the members of the WPK and our other people have made proactive efforts to promote the revolution and construction by learning from the KPA’s fighting spirit and mettle.

The WPK has radically improved its leadership ability and fighting efficiency in the course of advancing, by dint of its original Songun-based leadership, the cause of the Juche revolution.

The experience of the WPK, which has developed into an invincible party by blazing a trail for building a revolutionary party, serves as a living example in carrying out the cause of building a revolutionary party in the era of independence.

Over the past 70 years the WPK has led the cause of the Juche revolution, the cause of socialism, along a road resplendent with brilliant victory by overcoming manifold, grave trials.

The course of its leading the cause of the Juche revolution, the cause of socialism, has been an acute and severe political and class struggle against imperialism, dominationism, revisionism, worship of big powers and dogmatism; and it has been a hard struggle of hewing out an untrodden path to build a genuine, new society for the people.

In the whole course of leading the revolution and construction at several stages the WPK has not followed any established theory or formula, but advanced dynamically along the road indicated by the original Juche idea, the road of independence, Songun and socialism.

Independence, Songun and socialism are the coordinates for the Korean revolution and its main path, and they accord with our people’s aspirations and our country’s actual conditions. They are a crystallization of the valuable exploits and traditions and rich experiences the great leaders achieved in the course of nearly a century; and they illuminate the basic principles of our revolution and its path.

The WPK has led the revolution and construction by holding fast to the line and principles of independence, Songun and socialism as its permanent strategy, thus performing undying exploits for the country and the people.

In the historic course of leading the cause of the Juche revolution, it has trained our people into a dignified, independent people, into a powerful motive force for the revolution.

That it has trained the masses of the people into an independent motive force for carrying out the cause of the Juche revolution constitutes its greatest achievement.

The masses are the masters of their own destiny and they are responsible for implementing the cause of independence, but only under the correct leadership of a revolutionary party can they become a genuine motive force for the revolution.

The WPK set it as its most important task to unite the masses solidly around it and the leader by awakening them ideologically and rallying them organizationally, and has consistently given priority to it.

It has united the masses into a single socio-political organism by equipping them with the Juche idea and rallying them around it ideologically, volitionally and organizationally. It has also encouraged them to give full play to their great revolutionary enthusiasm and inexhaustible creativity and thus fulfil their responsibilities and role as the motive force for the revolution.

In our country all the service personnel of the KPA and all the other people have armed themselves with the Juche idea, the WPK’s guiding ideology, as their unshakable faith and achieved single-hearted unity around it, and they are working with devotion to implement its lines and policies. Its plans and decisions for the country’s prosperity and people’s happiness have become the revolutionary will of the service personnel and other people, and are being carried out by them.

In particular, the young people of the new generation have grown up into a dependable reserve force for the WPK and the successors to the revolution, and they are performing the role of a shock brigade with credit in carrying out the cause of the Juche revolution. Thus our country is widely recognized as a youth power without equal in the world. Recorded in the history of the WPK are the proud achievements it has made in training young people into heroes of the times and its advance force and wing.

It has such an excellent army and people, laudable young people in particular, who follow it and the leader with absolute belief in them and are boundlessly faithful to its cause in any adversity–this is a source of great dignity and pride for the WPK, and herein lies the secret of its ever-victorious history spanning 70 years.

That it has built Juche-oriented socialism in which the people’s demands and ideals for independence are realized is a historic exploit performed by the WPK.

Socialism is the goal of the working masses, and building it is the most important task facing revolutionary parties.

The WPK opened up a new path for building genuine socialism in keeping with the people’s ideals and, in the whole course of the struggle to this end, has consistently adhered to Juche-oriented revolutionary lines and principles.

It has resolved all the problems arising in socialist construction in conformity with our people’s aspirations for independence and our country’s specific situation and by relying on its own forces. It has invariably advanced straight ahead along the road of Juche-oriented socialism, rejecting the intervention and pressure by foreign forces. Even in such trying periods as the Arduous March it made sustained efforts to speed up socialist construction by resolutely thwarting the hostile forces’ pernicious moves to suffocate our style of socialism.

The socialism that has been built in our country according to the Juche-oriented line of the WPK and under its wise leadership is people-centred socialism whereby the masses have become true masters of the state and society and their demands for independence are fully realized.

Our people exercize their rights as masters in all spheres of state and social life, and the politics of respecting and loving them, that of giving absolute priority to their demands and interests, is administered in our country. As ours is genuine socialism for the people, people-centred socialism, they regard it as their lifeblood and work with devotion to beautify their socialist land and develop it into a thriving socialist country as soon as possible.

Under the wise leadership of the WPK and through the devoted struggle of the people who are faithful to it, our country has risen up as a dignified politico-ideological and military power in a short historical period; now it is making redoubled efforts to build a knowledge-based economy and socialist civilization in the new century, demonstrating the might of the invincible socialist power.

By leading the army and people the WPK has built up the tradition of victory in the showdown with the imperialists that has continued from one century into the next and thus defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country and the gains of the revolution with credit.

As long as there remains imperialism, the cause of independence of the masses, the cause of socialism, will be accompanied by a fierce showdown with the enemy. As our country has been an outpost in the anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle which has been drawn out from one century into the next and from generation to generation, defending the national dignity and sovereignty and the gains of the revolution from imperialist aggression is posed as a particularly important issue for it.

By consistently adhering to the line and principle of attaching importance to military affairs, the WPK set it as a foremost national matter to build up the revolutionary armed forces and increase the country’s defence capabilities and has won victory after victory in the uninterrupted showdown with US imperialism by relying on the country’s powerful defence capabilities, the pivot of which is the KPA.

Under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung our young KPA and people performed the historic miracle in the Fatherland Liberation War of defeating a formidable enemy whose forces were incomparably greater, ie, the US imperialists who had been boasting of being the “strongest” in the world. This brilliant victory was the victory of the Juche-oriented military ideas and outstanding military strategy of Comrade Kim Il Sung, an iron-willed brilliant commander, and it was a victory born of the heroic spirit of defending the country of the service personnel and other people who fought, even at the sacrifice of their lives, without hesitation for their precious motherland.

The WPK has always emerged victorious in the showdown with the allied imperialist forces over the past decades since the war, foiling the enemy’s continued designs for aggression at every step by dint of the might of Songun, the might of a military power.

Recently, when a hair-trigger situation was created, it warded off the danger facing the country promptly by demonstrating its leadership ability, thus saving the nation from the holocaust of war and safeguarding peace and security in the world. That it defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country and the gains of the revolution in this fierce confrontation was a great victory born of our spiritual and moral superiority and the might of the great unity of the army and people who are single-heartedly united around the WPK.

The immortal exploits and valuable experience achieved by the WPK in carrying out the cause of the Juche revolution under the banner of independence, Songun and socialism are of historic significance in the victorious advance of our revolution and in implementing the cause of the masses’ independence.

By building an invincible socialist power on this land under the unfurled banner of Juche, the WPK has significantly raised the dignity and status of our Republic in the international arena and laid lasting foundations for the prosperity of the country and the accomplishment of the cause of the Juche revolution.

The theory of the geopolitical fate of the Korean peninsula, which had been suffering as an arena of competition by the world powers, has now become a thing of the past, and our socialist Republic is exercizing its rights and influence on its own terms as the master of its own destiny and as a motive force for the development of the situation in the region and the rest of the world.

The US imperialists and their followers may grow desperate, but the WPK and our people have now become able to build a people’s paradise and achieve the eternal prosperity of the country and nation by stepping up the construction of a thriving socialist nation in their own way with their own strength, technology and resources; they are doing so by dint of the might of single-hearted unity and powerful defence capabilities, the pivot of which is our nuclear deterrent.

The WPK has proved in practice the justice of the cause of the masses’ independence, the cause of socialism, and the inevitability of its victory.

It has led the struggle to defend socialism and build a thriving country with success in the worst conditions and circumstances and thereby clearly showed that the cause of the masses’independence is just and socialism is a science.

Through its historical struggle the WPK has clearly proved the truth of history that socialism and justice are alive on this planet, that they are sure to prevail over the imperialists’high-handedness and arbitrariness, and that nothing can check the trend of the times towards anti-imperialist independence and socialism.

The sacred revolutionary cause of the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il is ever-victorious and the final victory of our revolution is sure as long as it is guided by the WPK–this is the conclusion to be drawn from the glorious 70-year history of the WPK.

Accomplishing the cause of the Juche revolution under the unfurled banner of the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a historic mission for the WPK and its unshakable will.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the one and only guiding ideology of the WPK and the eternal banner of its victory.

We should invariably follow the road of Juche to the end as indicated by the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

We should develop the WPK eternally as the party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

We should hold up the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as the eternal leaders of the WPK and organize and conduct the building and activities of the WPK in line with their ideology and intentions.

We should staunchly safeguard their ideas for and exploits in building the WPK and add brilliance to them. Holding fast to their ideas for and instructions on building the WPK as the lifeblood, organizations of the WPK should implement them to the last without the slightest deflection and incessantly intensify the work of exalting the brilliance of their leadership exploits.

We should establish the WPK’s unified leadership system more firmly across it.

The entire WPK should be turned into a crystallization of ideology and faith, modelled on the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. All the officials and other WPK members should cherish an unshakable belief that they do not know any other ideology than the revolutionary ideology of the WPK, launch an uncompromising struggle against all manner of alien ideological trends, and thus ensure the absolute ideological purity of the WPK.

It is important to strengthen the unity and cohesion of the WPK in every way and establish steel-strong organizational discipline whereby the entire WPK moves as one under the unified leadership of its Central Committee.

A strong sense of organization, discipline and unity are the lifeblood of a revolutionary party and the source of its invincible might. Absolute revolutionary discipline should be established whereby the entire WPK is united firmly around its Central Committee with one ideology and purpose, all the problems arising in the work and activities of the WPK are brought to it and dealt with according to its unitary decision, and all the organizations and members of the WPK work and live according to the order established within itself.

The revolutionary climate of defending the WPK’s ideology and policies and implementing them to the death should be maintained as an eternal tradition. All the organizations of the WPK should regard carrying out its policies as their priority and persist in implementing its lines and policies without ever giving it up.

The integral whole of the WPK and the masses should be further consolidated.

This is the source of the solidity and viability of the WPK and the most powerful weapon for defending the country and the revolution.

The entire WPK should hold high the slogan, “Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!” Cherishing the view of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on the people, all officials should believe in them as in heaven, give prominence to them and become their faithful servants who always go deep among them, share weal and woe with them and work with devotion for their benefit.

The entire WPK should launch an intense struggle against the abuse of power, bureaucratism and corruption, thus maintaining its original features as the revolutionary party of Juche, a motherly party, and thoroughly defending and serving the demands and interests of the masses.

Under the leadership of the WPK we should carry to completion the cause of the Juche revolution, the cause of socialism, pioneered on Mt Paektu.

We should hold fast to the general line of building socialism and implement it thoroughly.

The general line put forward by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, the line of carrying out the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions while strengthening the people’s government and steadily enhancing its functions and role, is a strategic line to be adhered to permanently in building socialism.

We should ensure that our people’s government and socialist system are further strengthened and that the people’s government fully discharges its responsibilities and role as the representative of the people’s right to independence, the organizer of their creative abilities, the administrator responsible for their livelihood and the protector of their independence and creativity. The work system and method of the people’s government should be improved as required by the developing reality, and the unified guidance of the state over society and its functions as the organizer of economic work be enhanced, thereby giving powerful impetus to the building of a thriving country.

The three revolutions–ideological, technological and cultural–constitute the basic mode whereby the masses in a socialist society realize their demand for independence.

The technological and cultural revolutions should be pushed forward, with definite precedence given to the ideological revolution, if the remoulding of man and the transformation of nature is to be successfully carried out and social relations are to be perfected in keeping with the requirements for building a thriving socialist country.

We should accelerate the building of a thriving socialist nation by holding fast to the WPK’s line of attaching importance to ideology, military affairs and science.

Priority should be given to consolidating the political and ideological position, the primary fortress of our revolution.

By conducting five-point ideological education among the WPK’s members and the other working people, we should prepare them to be giants of ideas and faith whose hearts are burning with the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu, and who staunchly safeguard our single-hearted unity in all places and at all times, and to be vanguard class fighters who are possessed of a thoroughgoing sense of anti-imperialism and class consciousness and who strive to fortify our class position, our revolutionary position, so that it is rock-solid. We must keep a watchful eye over the various moves by the enemy to undermine our socialist system from within, approach these moves with political awareness and never allow any poisonous weeds of capitalism, however trifling, to sprout in the garden of socialism. The whole country should strive to do away with the outmoded morality and way of life and give fullest play to the beautiful traits of a large socialist family that is sound and harmonious and in which all the people are helping and leading one another forward.

The future of the country and the prospects for the revolution depend on how the young people of the new generation are prepared. All the organizations of the WPK should hold fast to its idea and line of attaching importance to young people and channel great efforts into the work with them so as to rally them closely around it, and they should encourage them all to become vanguard fighters of the revolution and young Songun heroes who carry forward the pure and clean ideological lifeblood, the blood of faith, of the WPK and share their destiny with it to the last.

Its self-reliant defence capabilities are Songun Korea’s dignity, sovereignty and guarantee of victory. The WPK’s military line of self-reliant defence and its line of simultaneously promoting the two fronts should be carried out in order further to increase the country’s defence capabilities.

The KPA should thoroughly establish the command system of the Supreme Commander, a revolutionary military climate and steel-strong military discipline within itself, and intensify combat and political training so as to prepare all the service personnel to be a-match-for-a-hundred combatants and all its units to be an elite combat force. It should always make breakthroughs on the advance, standing in the first line of our revolution, and give full play to its fighting mettle of “All at Once” and the might of great army-people unity on all the fronts where a thriving nation is being built.

We must turn out powerful cutting-edge military hardware of our own style in larger numbers, constantly reinforce our self-defensive nuclear deterrent and perfect our preparedness for all-people resistance.

It is the determination and will of the WPK to build an economic giant and a civilized nation by dint of modern science and technology at the earliest possible date. We should give definite precedence to the development of science and technology and concentrate all our efforts on building a socialist nation with a powerful economy and a high standard of civilization, so that ours will assume all the aspects of a thriving socialist country.

By adhering to the revolutionary economic line and policy put forward by the WPK, we should vigorously conduct the struggle to attain the goal of building an economic giant stage by stage, while focusing efforts on shoring up the vanguard sectors of the national economy.

We should direct our primary efforts to improving the people’s living standards in line with the plan and intention of the WPK, so as to ensure that they enjoy the benefits of socialism to their heart’s content and lead a happy life with nothing to envy in the world.

We should develop all the sectors of culture, including education, public health, sport, and art and literature as appropriate for a civilized socialist nation so as to open up a new golden age of civilization in the 21st century.

The historic cause of national reunification, the long-cherished desire of the Korean nation, must be realized without fail.

National reunification is the paramount task for the WPK which has assumed responsibility for the destiny of the country and nation. We must no longer tolerate the tragedy of national division that has lasted from one century into the next. As made clear in the three principles for national reunification, the historic June 15 Joint Declaration and the October 4 Declaration agreed on by the north and south of Korea, we should reunify the country independently by rejecting foreign forces and on the principle of By Our Nation Itself. By carrying out the wishes and instructions of the great leaders, we should achieve the historic cause of national reunification and build a prospering reunified country on this land.

We should implement the WPK’s foreign policy of independence and thus contribute to realizing the cause of global independence.

Based on the ideals of independence, peace and friendship we should strive to develop relations with other countries that are friendly to us, strengthen our friendship and unity with progressive peoples, resolutely frustrate the schemes for aggression and intervention by the imperialist and dominationist forces that are pursuing high-handedness and arbitrariness, and achieve global peace, security and independence.

We are now faced with the heavy yet noble task of hastening the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution by braving the trials and difficulties.

All the service personnel and people should unite around the WPK with one mind and purpose and step up the general advance towards the final victory of the revolution.

The WPK will, in the future, too, demonstrate to the whole world its dignity and might as the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and record only victory in the annals of its history.

The sacred cause of the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il is ever-victorious.

AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief of Start News Agency