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평안북도피해복구전구에 파견되는 백두산영웅청년돌격대 진출식 진행


Speech at the Ninth Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League

August 28, Juche 105 (2016)

Dear youth delegates,

Satisfied that the Ninth Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, which is being held in the stirring period when young people across the country are expediting the general onward march to implement the decisions of the Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is doing its work well, I warmly congratulate all the youth delegates attending this congress.

I also extend warm thanks and militant greetings to young people across the country who are working miracles and performing feats at the posts of national defence and at the sites where a powerful socialist country is being built, and thus fulfilling their honourable mission and duty as the young vanguard of the Party.

I congratulate the members of the overseas Korean youth delegations attending the congress, and offer my warm compatriotic greetings to our overseas young compatriots, including those in Japan, and the youth and students in south Korea who are struggling for the independent reunification of their motherland and the prosperity of their nation.

The Ninth Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League is a landmark in defending and adding eternal brilliance to the great Comrades Kim Il Sung’s and Kim Jong Il’s idea on and exploits in the youth movement and developing the youth league into an invincible vanguard as required by the new era.

As a reflection of the unanimous wish and desire of young people across the country, the congress has decided to rename the youth league the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League. This great event lays an unshakeable cornerstone for developing the organization of our young people into a youth league of the great leaders for all ages; it is also a source of great honour and happiness for the youth league organizations and young people.

This is a congress of loyalty that has demonstrated the faith and will of the young vanguard to inherit and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the Party’s leadership by carrying forward the glorious history and fighting traditions of the youth league, a congress for a general onward march that has inspired young people to the grand struggle for building a powerful socialist country, and a historic congress that has set up a new milestone for the victorious advance of the Juche-oriented youth movement and the development of the youth league.


As I stand on the platform at the venue of this significant congress, a watershed in the development of the Juche-oriented youth movement, I feel my heart filled with infinite gratitude to and reverence for the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il who trained our young people into splendid and reliable successors to the revolution and built our proud youth power.

The 70 years of the youth league is a history of brilliant victories achieved by the great leaders’ original idea on prioritizing young people and their wise leadership. It is also a history of the ardent loyalty and patriotic devotion with which the young people of Korea have supported the Party, the leader, the country and the people.

Having launched the youth movement early on amid the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution, Comrade Kim Il Sung expounded the Juche-oriented idea of the movement and guided it at every step it took, lavishing great trust and affection on young people.

By dint of the line of prioritizing young people and his outstanding and seasoned leadership, Comrade Kim Jong Il developed the youth league into an organization that is unfailingly loyal to the Party and the leader; he also trained young people into reliable successors in carrying forward the lineage of Paektu and into warriors in accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche. Thus he opened a new golden age for the youth movement.

It is an outstanding exploit performed by our great leaders that they regarded prioritizing young people as the most important of all state affairs and made it a strategic revolutionary line in the whole course of leading the revolution and, by wisely leading the implementation of the line, provided a perfect solution to the youth problem for the first time in history and built a youth power without parallel in the world.

Indeed, the youth movement of Korea is the glorious Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist youth movement pioneered and developed by dint of their great ideas and wise leadership. Ours is Kim Il Sung’s and Kim Jong Il’s youth power built thanks to their ennobling trust and affection.

The proud decades of the victorious advance achieved by the Juche-oriented youth movement are associated with the priceless blood and sweat and heroic exploits of the young people who fought self-sacrificingly for the Party, the leader, the country and the people.

The first generation of the young people of our revolution took up arms following Comrade Kim Il Sung and fought the bloody anti-Japanese struggle, thus achieving the historic cause of national liberation. In the days of the fierce Fatherland Liberation War young people fought under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung, dedicating their youthful lives without hesitation for their dear motherland, thus creating a miracle of heroic Korea in achieving victory in the war and defending with honour their motherland against the imperialists’ aggression. In the arduous postwar days our young people, who were faithful to the call of the Party and the leader, performed brilliant feats of labour in reconstruction, and stormed ahead in the spirit of Chollima, thus working a miracle of heroic Korea by building in a short period a socialist state that is independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in defence.

In the trying days of the anti-imperialist, anti-US showdown that would decide the destiny of socialism, our young people stood in the vanguard to support General Kim Jong Il’s Songun-based revolutionary leadership. Thus they safeguarded the lifeline of the Juche revolution and their socialist country death-defyingly, overcoming the hardships and trials and opening up an era in which a turn would be made in building a powerful socialist country.

In the new era of the Juche revolution our young people, with the faith and courage that they can even raise the earth when they are trusted by the Party, built the marvellous Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station through a fierce struggle with nature. Thus they created the legendary tale of our heroic youth and demonstrated to the full the heroic mettle of the young vanguard of the new generation who have been educated and trained by our Party. The Paektusan hero youth spirit displayed by the Paektu youth is the revolutionary spirit of defending the Party Central Committee and implementing its policies even to the death, as well as the offensive-oriented, revolutionary spirit symbolic of our present era.

Their heroic struggle for and exploits in steadfastly defending the Party, the leader and the country and powerfully propelling socialist construction down through the generations on the sacred revolutionary road will shine for ever in the annals of our Party and of the building of the Juche-oriented youth power.

In the gigantic and worthwhile struggle for achieving the country’s prosperity and people’s happiness, our young people have been educated along revolutionary lines and trained mentally and physically; they have developed into a large, matchless thousand-fold, tens-of-thousands-fold-strong contingent around the Party.

Our young people are patriots and heroes whom we can be proud of before the world; that they have a large contingent of such trustworthy young people is a great blessing for the Workers’ Party of Korea and a source of pride for Korea; it is also a guarantee of the great strength of our dignified state and its bright future.

I pay tribute to the young people of the preceding generations who dedicated their valuable one and only youth to the sacred cause for the Party, the revolution, the country and the people, and extend once again, on behalf of the Workers’ Party of Korea, warm, militant greetings to the young people across the country who are performing shining exploits in translating the Party’s plans and intentions into reality.


Today the youth league is faced with the heavy yet honourable task of ushering in a golden age of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist youth movement by developing itself into the eternal youth organization of the great leaders as required by the new era of the Juche revolution and displaying its might as the Party’s advance force and combat wing in the effort to implement the decisions adopted at the Seventh Congress of the Party.

If the youth league is to fulfil the sacred mission and duty it has assumed before the times and the revolution, it should model itself on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

Modelling the youth league on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism means holding up the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as eternal leaders and advancing the Juche-oriented youth movement to victory, guided by their revolutionary ideology.

This is a mature demand of our developing revolution and youth movement which have reached a new high. It is also the militant banner the youth league must hold fast to in the struggle to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Young people are the successors to the Juche revolution, and the youth league is a dependable reserve for our Party. The future of the Party and revolution and the destiny of the country and nation depend largely on the role they play, and the youth league shoulders an important task in implementing our Party’s programme of modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The great General Kim Jong Il said early on that the youth league, together with the Party and the army, has an important role to play in the revolutionary struggle, and that we have nothing to fear if the Party, the army and the youth league are strong. When the youth league, together with the Party and the army, is modelled on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism true to the General’s ideas on the Party, the army and the youth league, the might of our revolutionary ranks will be raised to the full. Modelling the entire youth league as well as the whole Party and all the army on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the path our revolution should follow and the basic guarantee for accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.

The youth league should safeguard and add brilliance to the great leaders’ idea on and leadership exploits in the youth movement, and establish the Party’s unified leadership system within itself thoroughly, holding high the banner of modelling itself on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

It should ensure that all its officials and other young people devote the highest degree of loyalty to upholding Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as eternal leaders. It should take the great leaders’ idea on the youth movement as the banner of victory for the youth movement, a fundamental guideline for strengthening itself, and should ensure that all its undertakings are geared to safeguarding the leaders’ idea and leadership exploits and to implementing, defying death, the instructions they gave in their lifetime.

It should constantly intensify the work of establishing the Party’s unified leadership system as demanded by the period in which a leap forward is being made in implementing the revolutionary cause of Juche, and establish strict discipline and order whereby all matters arising in its building and activities are dealt with according to the unified conclusion of the Party Central Committee and the Party’s decisions and directives are conveyed and disseminated promptly, from its Central Committee to its lowest echelons, and carried out immediately.

It should hold fast to ideological education among young people as its main task and fully prepare them all as genuine Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists.

The youth league is a body providing ideological education, and its basic duty is to conduct the ideological education of young people. If youth league organizations neglect their basic duty of conducting the ideological education of their members, and instead busy themselves with ceremonial events or economic and other business-like affairs, they cannot prepare young people to be reliable successors to the revolution. This will result in shaking the foundations of youth work and undermining the youth league.

The ultimate objective in educating young people is to train them all into genuine Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists.

Our Party’s revolutionary ideology and the revolutionary spirit of Paektu are the essential nourishment needed for doing this. The youth league should implant the Juche idea, our Party’s revolutionary ideology, and the revolutionary spirit of Paektu deep in the minds of all our young people. By doing so, it can train them to be strong in ideas and faith and ready to fight staunchly in the spirit of self-development with loyalty to the Party’s cause, and ensure that all the places where they live and work seethe with the soul and fortitude of Paektu.

Youth league organizations at all levels should hold fast to the five-point education programme put forward by the Party, regarding it as the major content of the ideological education geared to training young people as Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists. They should conduct it effectively by making use of all forms of, and opportunities for doing, ideological education work.

They should lay great stress on educating young people in the greatness of our leaders, with the aim of preparing them as the young vanguard that is unfailingly faithful to the Party and the leaders. They should also step up the education of young people in Kim Jong Il’s patriotism, in revolutionary faith, in anti-imperialist and class consciousness, and in socialist morality, so that they all become true patriots who ardently love their country, hot-blooded fighters with an indomitable revolutionary faith and unwavering anti-imperialist and class consciousness, staunch champions of the class struggle, and cultured social beings with a high degree of cultural attainments and ennobling moral traits.

They should run the education system, including study sessions and lectures effectively and raise its efficiency to the highest possible level. In this way they can make sure that wherever there are young people, the Party’s intentions are given constant publicity and that they imbibe our Party’s revolutionary ideology all the time, just as they breathe the air.

They should conduct the education of young people in a novel and aggressive way as suited to their characteristics. They should decisively eliminate the tendency towards emphasizing how many times the ideological education work is done or following any set formula in conducting it. Instead, they should adopt a novel, energetic and militant approach to this work, to suit the characteristics of young people and the requirements of the times. They should strive hard to find and use sincere and highly effective methods of education that will inspire the masses of young people with youthful vigour.

The youth league organizations and young people should become the vanguard and shock brigade in building a powerful socialist country.

To build a powerful socialist country is a sacred cause for developing the country into a mighty socialist state, a prospering people’s paradise, in accordance with the plans of the great leaders and the Party. To stand in the vanguard of the struggle and achieve breakthroughs to this end is a basic duty for our young people who make up the Party’s militant reserve and are the most vigorous of our social forces.

All our young people, upholding the militant tasks advanced by the Seventh Congress of the Party, should honour their valuable title of the heroic youth of our era in the worthwhile struggle to build a powerful socialist country.

“Let us fully demonstrate the resourcefulness and gallantry of the heroic youth in the general offensive for building a powerful socialist country!”–this is the militant slogan the youth leagueand young people should hold high in the present times.

Young people should form a death-defying corps in the struggle to defend their socialist country, faithfully supporting our Party’s Songun-based revolutionary leadership.

They are the advance guard in carrying out the Songun revolution and the main force in safeguarding the country. All of them, bearing in mind our Party’s idea of prioritizing arms, should regard national defence as their most sacred duty and the highest expression of patriotism, and turn out valiantly in the struggle to defend the socialist country. The young service personnel of the Korean People’s Army and the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces, as befits combatants defending the outposts on the anti-imperialist military front, the lifeline of our revolution, should firmly grasp the weapons of the revolution and class so as to safeguard the defence lines of the country and its socialist system. At some time in the future we will surely confront the US imperialists, the sworn enemy of our people; the young service personnel should create a new miracle by achieving victory in this life-or-death showdown.

Youth and students should all cultivate ardent patriotism and a staunch spirit of defending the country, and take part in military training with a sincere attitude. In times of emergency they should take up arms and turn out as one in the all-people resistance to defend their beloved country, their native homes and their workplaces against the aggression of the enemy and their destructive and subversive moves.

The struggle to defend socialism is a military showdown with the enemy; at the same time it is a confrontation of ideology and spirit. Today the imperialists and reactionaries, targeting our young people of the new generation, are resorting to vicious schemes in trying to deprave and corrupt them and undermine our socialism from within.

All our young people should resolutely counter the enemy’s schemes for ideological and cultural infiltration with great ideological and mental strength and unshakeable revolutionary faith, and take a tough stand to prevent any alien ideology and culture and any unnatural lifestyle from penetrating among us. The youth league organizations should intensify ideological education and the ideological struggle among young people so as to root out, at the first sign, any poisonous non-socialist and alien practices that may appear in the garden of our style of socialism.

Our country, as it develops by leaps and bounds, calls on the young people to strive for the building of a powerful socialist country. The vibrant sites where the Mallima speed is being created in a race against time, are the theatres of activity for our hot-blooded young people.

They should uphold the self-development-first banner on all fronts where a powerful socialist country is being built and display their valiant offensive spirit and youthful courage in achieving new miraculous and innovative successes one after another.

In implementing the five-year strategy for national economic development they should raise the fierce flames of collective competition, thereby setting new standards and new records and overfulfilling their daily, monthly and quarterly quotas under the national economic plan.

The youth league organizations should push ahead with the Songun Youth Torch Prize Movement, the youth shock brigade movement and other mass movements, the advantages and vitality of which have been confirmed in practice. They should launch vigorous campaigns of overtaking and learning from others and swapping experience with them, and raise fierce flames in performing great exploits. Then new miraculous and innovative achievements will be made wherever young people are working, and youthful vigour will pervade the entire country.

The youth league should carry out with credit the major construction projects that will make a significant contribution to developing the economy and improving the people’s living standards, fully demonstrating the might of a youth shock brigade. The Party Central Committee is planning to place the youth shock brigades, along with the construction units of the People’s Army, in the vanguard of the struggle to usher in a great golden age of construction. Young people should display the courage and spirit of moving mountains and filling up seas at a go at the sites of grand socialist construction in answer to the Party’s appeal, so that more and more monumental structures that are named in honour of them are built on this land.

The more vigorously young people advance in response to the Party’s call, demonstrating the might of the youth construction units, the more vibrantly the entire country will be seething and the greater progress will be made in implementing the cause of building a powerful socialist country.

Young people should become the vanguard and pioneers in building a sci-tech power.

In the present era of science and technology the competition for national strength is precisely that for science and technology, and the future of our prosperous country depends on how hard our young people, who are sensitive to the new and overflowing with creative wisdom and verve, strive. They should, by standing in the vanguard of the competitions of the mind and of technologies, build a sci-tech power and glorify the days of their youth with valuable creations and feats, so as to bring forward the future of their prosperous country.

Young scientists and technicians, keeping their feet firmly planted on this land and looking out over the world, should devote their creative wisdom and enthusiasm to the campaign to surpass the cutting edge, with a view to raising our country to the status of a sci-tech power as soon as possible. Young people should take the lead in making the entire population well-versed in science and technology; by becoming masters of invention and technical innovation, they can render a positive contribution to modernizing production lines and ensuring the domestic production of raw materials, fuel and equipment. Students should study hard and accumulate knowledge, always with books in their hands, and thus prepare themselves to contribute to promoting our nation’s prosperity by developing cutting-edge science and technology.

Young people should become creators of socialist civilization and the vanguard in building a civilized power.

They should play the core, vanguard role in building our country as soon as possible into a civilized socialist power by comprehensively developing art and literature, sports and all other sectors of socialist culture.

All of them, cherishing national pride and self-confidence in our own culture and lifestyle being the best, should hold dear all the tangible and intangible heritage achieved by the preceding generations, and add lustre to our style of socialist culture. As demanded by the era when the general offensive for building a powerful socialist country is gaining momentum, they should bring the culture of the heroic youth into full bloom and make the songs of revolution and struggle resound wherever they are living and working.

They should make strenuous efforts to tighten their moral discipline. They should respect their revolutionary forerunners, teachers and seniors, promote communal unity and family harmony, and observe public morality and a decent lifestyle on a voluntary basis.

They should, with a sturdy physique developed amid the wind of mass-based sports and defence sports, contribute to economic construction and defence building and take the lead in turning the whole country into a socialist paradise.

They should wage a proactive struggle to achieve the independent reunification of the country and global independence.

It is the young people, the sons and daughters of the nation and the future of the country, who have the obligation to stand in the vanguard of the effort to accomplish the great national cause of putting an end to the long-standing suffering of national division and building on this land a dignified and prosperous reunified country.

All the Korean young people in the north, in the south and abroad should hold high the banner of national independence and great national unity, join in one mind and purpose on the patriotic road of reunification and fight in solidarity and collaboration. In this way, they can smash the obstructive moves of the US imperialists and other anti-reunification forces and open up a broad avenue to national reunification.

Holding high, as grand programmes for national reunification, the three charters for national reunification, the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 Declaration furnished by the great leaders, the youth league and young people should stand in the vanguard of the struggle for the independent reunification of the country and render positive support and encouragement to the struggle of the youth and students in south Korea for anti-US independence and national reunification, and to the patriotic struggle of our overseas young compatriots.

The youth and students in the south should wage a dynamic struggle to thwart the moves of the United States and its followers for aggression and war and their attempts to bring a nuclear holocaust down on our nation, and to have the historic agreements common to the nation respected and implemented. In this way they can open up a new phase for the development of inter-Korean relations and national reunification.

Those in Japan and other overseas Korean young people should, with pride and self-respect in being members of the dignified Korean nation, render unique contributions to the patriotic cause for the independent reunification of their country and the prosperity of their socialist motherland.

The youth movement of Korea is closely related to the world youth movement, and the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League is faced with an important task in contributing to securing genuine international justice and realizing the cause of global independence by strengthening unity and cooperation, under the unfurled banner of anti-imperialist independence, with the progressive young peoples of the world, who champion independence.

The youth league should, by applying the idea and principles of our Party’s foreign policy, cement anti-imperialist solidarity, friendship and unity with the world’s progressive young peoples and proactively contribute to the development of the world youth movement. It should set a good example and serve as the vanguard in the struggle of young peoples to achieve independence and justice, and should make dynamic headway, demonstrating to the whole world the might of the Juche-oriented youth power.

In order to usher in a golden age of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist youth movement, the youth league should strengthen its organizations and enhance their militant functions and role in every way possible.

The youth league is a political body that trains young people to be a reserve force for the Party and the successors to the revolutionary cause of Juche; it is in direct charge of the youth movement. Only when its organizations are powerful and display their militant might to the full can they advance the youth movement vigorously, true to the Party’s ideas and intentions.

It should launch a strong drive for strengthening its organizations so as to ensure that its organizations at all levels are developed to be strong in organization, discipline, unity and fighting capability, into elite youth ranks.

A revolutionary work system and revolutionary discipline should be established across the youth league organizations.

The youth league should establish a well-regulated work system and order by which its organizations at all levels carry out its decisions and directives for implementing the Party’s policies and report the results promptly, and by which organizations at higher echelons keep up-to-date with the activities of their subordinate ones and take steps as appropriate. It should establish strict discipline across itself, from its Central Committee down to its primary organizations, by which all their undertakings are conducted as required by the Party’s policies and the Rules of the youth league.

The major link in the whole chain of the efforts to develop the youth league is the strengthening of its primary organizations, which are its grass-roots organizations and basic combat units. The youth league committees at all levels should go down to the primary organizations on a regular basis, improve the qualifications and capabilities of the primary officials and help them in a responsible way so that they can work effectively with the youth league members. In particular, city and county youth league committees, the guidance units at the lowest level, should get properly acquainted with the work of their primary organizations, guide them effectively and give them positive assistance.

Youth league organizations should intensify the organizational life of their members so as to ensure that this life is turned into an educational course which teaches and trains them in a revolutionary way.

An organizational life in the youth league is a worthwhile and valuable political life for young people to add lustre to their political integrity as befits members of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League.

The youth league organizations should establish a revolutionary climate of organizational life among their members so as to encourage them all to treasure their organizations as the parent body of their political integrity and to take voluntary part in their organizational life. They should put their organizational life on a regular footing and establish strict organizational discipline to ensure that no young men and women take part in their organizational life in a lackadaisical fashion or live divorced from their organizations. They should bring the organizational life close to fulfilling revolutionary tasks, ensuring that the outcome of the former is expressed in the latter.

The youth league should direct great efforts to strengthening the organizations of the Children’s Union, its successor, and educating the union’s members properly.

Children’s Union members are pillars who will shoulder the future of our country, and strengthening the Children’s Union is an important task entrusted to the youth league.

What the enemy fear most is that the lineage of our revolution is being steadily carried forward. Youth league committees at all levels should regard guidance over the work of the Children’s Union as one of their tasks, and ensure that school education, family education and social education are closely linked in educating the Children’s Union members. In this way they can prepare all the members and organizations of the Children’s Union to be the children’s vanguard that is faithful to our Party.

It is important to build up the ranks of youth league officials and further enhance their sense of responsibility and role.

Whether or not the work of the youth league is carried on properly as intended by the Party depends entirely on the role of its officials, the masters of youth work. When they become the engine and skilled political workers that guide young people to always advance vigorously straight ahead following the Party, then the five-million-strong youth ranks can become a steel-like vanguard unit without any drop-outs.

The youth league, to suit the reality in which one generation of its officials is continuously being replaced by another, should promptly replenish and refresh these ranks with hard-core young people who are politically and ideologically sound and have been trained in the practical struggle. It should channel great efforts into training its reserve officials.

All youth league officials should be well aware of their tasks in the struggle to usher in a golden age of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist youth movement, and execute them creditably.

They should become fervent advocates, active disseminators and thorough implementers of the great leaders’ and Party’s idea and line on prioritizing young people.

They should equip themselves fully with this idea and line, conduct youth work on the basis of the leaders’ instructions and the Party’s idea, and implement the Party’s policy on youth work to the last.

They should become dedicated fighters, infinite enthusiasts and persevering people of action who are ready to devote themselves heart and soul to developing the youth league’s work.

They should always be thinking about the development of the league’s work and devote their wisdom and passion to achieving it; they should organize and carry out the work in a fresh and innovative way with unyielding fortitude and an enterprising work style. They should arrange all undertakings on a scale big enough to make the youthful hearts beat hard, and whatever they do, they should give a strong push to it with unshakeable courage and stamina so that they finish it come what may, and bring it to fruition without fail.

They should become the standard-bearers in the struggle, standing in the vanguard of the ranks to make breakthroughs on the advance, and set examples for rank-and-file members in all aspects.

They should immerse themselves in the seething workplaces, take the lead in tackling difficult and labour-consuming work, and inspire their members in practice, not in words, to struggle and achieve feats. They should be a good example for the members in implementing their revolutionary tasks and leading an organizational life, and be simple, modest and upright in their everyday life.

They should become dear “elder brothers” and “elder sisters” of the members, loving and looking after them as they would their own flesh and blood, and sharing weal and woe with them.

With fervent comradeship, they should take responsible care of the political integrity of their members and share joy and sorrow with them. They should work devotedly and selflessly for the good of their members and help and lead them all to advance straight ahead following the Party without anyone lagging behind.

They should be all-round and versatile people with broad knowledge, great organizing ability, vigour of action and rich cultural attainments.

By studying hard and by making strenuous efforts they should acquire knowledge in various fields, become proficient in the practical work of the youth league, and acquire the methods and best way of educating and enlisting the members. They should be good at singing, dancing and making motivational speeches.

Party guidance over the work of the youth league should be further improved.

Work with young people is an aspect of Party work, and positively helping the youth league in its work and leading it along the right path is an important task for the organizations and officials of the Party.

They should bear in mind the intention of the Party Central Committee to prioritize work with young people and intensify their policy-oriented guidance and political leadership in order to ensure that the work of the youth league in their respective regions and units is conducted properly, in line with the Party’s ideas and intentions.

They should spare no efforts for the education of young people, love and treat them in an unbiased manner with scrupulous maternal affection, and take good care of them in their work and life.

Particular attention should be directed to the work with the youth league officials.

Organizations and officials of the Party should educate them in a responsible way and provide them with good working conditions so that they can focus on the work with young people. They should admit exemplary youth league officials into the Party and appoint them as Party officials on a preferential basis, so as to ensure that all the officials of the youth league feel great honour and pride and devote all their wisdom and passion to its work.

A Party-wide campaign should be launched to create model, exemplary units in Party guidance over the work of the youth league and spread their experience so as to make sure that loving young people and rendering positive support to the work of the youth league become a trait of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

The climate of prioritizing and loving young people should pervade the whole country.

Work with youth and children is an undertaking of overriding importance that has a bearing on the future of our Party, our state and our style of socialism, and training them should be the concern of the whole country and all the people. Not only Party officials but all other officials and working people should become educators and parents of the youth and children, properly educating them and rendering active assistance in resolving the problems concerning the work with them. Then our young people of a new generation will grow into dependable successors to the revolution under the guidance and with the help of the whole country and the whole society.


A broad vista has been opened up before the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League, and our young people are storming ahead along the course of the Korean revolution indicated by the Party Central Committee. The eternal brilliant future of the youth movement of Korea is assured.

Let us all struggle dynamically to accomplish the Juche-oriented socialist cause, to model the youth league on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and to ensure a bright future for the youth power.

Glory to our resourceful, heroic and trustworthy five-million-strong young vanguard!

AUTHOR: Editor-in-Chief of Start News Agency